Determining how much money you need for your down payment and how much you can afford to pay for your monthly mortgage is very important for all buyers. Visit with your banker to figure out the size of mortgage you may qualify for and get the pre-approval process completed. Better yet, use a mortgage broker or banker to find the best mortgage rate possible. When calculating the costs of home ownership, remember to plan for homeowner’s insurance, property taxes, private mortgage insurance (if required), utilities, repairs, and maintenance.
Buying real estate is a complex matter for any homebuyer. Do yourself a favor and learn as much about the process as you can before you begin. There are plenty of resources available. When you choose an agent at Covered Bridge Realty, we will be here to help you through the entire process. Listen to your agent, ask questions, and then make your decision. We will gladly answer any questions you may have, and will explain everything to you so that you totally understand the process. We are members of the Des Moines MLS (Multiple Listing Service), and that means you have access to any Des Moines MLS inventory, no matter the listing agent or office location, so the choices are endless! We can do computer searches to locate properties that will suit your space needs, along with those that fit into your price range.